Neck lift surgery

A neck lift is usually done in conjunction with a face lift although in some people the neck is the main component that requires rejuvenation, e.g., excess wrinkling in the skin on the neck, a double chin, and/or jowl lines. In these cases, the neck lift may be the main focus of surgery.

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What does a neck lift involve?

Neck lift surgery will generally involve removing and tightening excess skin - the exact procedure will vary for each patient. Usually, the platysma (thin layer of muscle underlying the neck skin) is tightened and repositioned (platysmaplasty). Fat may be removed (via liposuction or excision) or redistributed to nearby areas to create a more sculpted look. At times, very small parts of the submandibular gland and/or parotid gland may be removed to further contour the neck. Incisions generally extend from in front of the ear lobe within a skin crease to the side of the neck behind the ear and along the hairline.

A neck lift is often performed for cosmetic purposes, but can also be conducted as part of a reconstructive procedure. Dr Sydney Ch’ng has extensive experience in conducting neck lift procedures for a wide range of individuals looking to achieve their desired results.


Dr Sydney Ch’ng conducts neck lift procedures in Sydney, under general anaesthetic in a fully accredited hospital. Depending on the method used, the surgery may take up to four hours or longer - as it is usually done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures like a face lift at the same time.

Following the procedure, patients can expect a feeling of tightness around the neck, which can last over the coming weeks post-surgery. There may also be slight bruising and swelling around the neck.


To reduce the signs of ageing

The most common reason for a neck lift is to reduce the signs of ageing. Neck lift surgery will tighten loose skin and remove excess weight in the area, reducing the appearance of jowls, wrinkles, and inevitable signs of ageing.

Neck lift for facial contouring

A neck lift may be performed to contour the face and neck, to create a more defined jaw and chin. In some cases, genetics and excess fat may contribute to the neck area becoming less defined, in which a neck lift can help to restore and tighten the skin in the area.

Neck lift for reconstructive purposes

A neck lift may also be conducted to help restore symmetry. In cases of facial asymmetry from cancer resection, or previous surgery/trauma to the area, a neck lift may be a viable option as part of facial reconstruction.

Get in touch

If you’d like to know more about our head and neck, plastic or skin cancer surgical services, or if you have a question for Dr Ch’ng, we’d love to hear from you.

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