Face lift surgery

Ageing of the face is inevitable and driven by genetics, sun exposure, personal habits and the pull of gravity. Over time, the skin and retaining ligaments begin to loosen, and fat pads start to sag on the face and neck. Crow’s feet appear at the corners of the eyes, fine forehead lines become deeper creases and folds, the jaw line softens into jowls, and vertical folds appear at the front of the neck. Face lift surgery aims to improve the visible signs of ageing and create a more youthful facial appearance. Dr Sydney Ch'ng is Sydney's leading face and neck surgeon, who conducts face lift surgery for both aesthetic and functional purposes.

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What does a face lift involve?

A facelift is also known as a Rhytidetomy or Meloplasty, and is a cosmetic procedure, specifically designed to rejuvenate and reduce signs of ageing. Dr Sydney Ch’ng regularly performs face lift surgery in Sydney.

The exact face lift procedure will vary for each person. Depending on a person’s desired results:

  • the deeper layers of the face can be lifted

  • soft tissue including fat can be sculpted or redistributed from the face, jowls and neck

  • excess skin can be removed.

Regardless of the approach to surgery, incisions will need to be made. These will be inconspicuous over time, they are concealed along or within the hairline, and in the natural creases of the face and ear. An incision under the chin, hidden in a skin crease may also be necessary to remove platysmal bands (thin layer of muscle underlying the neck skin) to further improve the appearance of the ageing neck.

A face lift is usually performed at the same time as a neck lift and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). Non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments are often recommended before or after face lift for best effects.

What to expect following a face lift

Dr Ch’ng performs face lift surgery, including deep-plane face lift, minimal access caudal suspension (MACS), and superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) plication under general anaesthetic in a fully accredited hospital in Sydney. Depending on the complexity, extent, and type of face lift and neck lift undertaken, surgery can take between four and eight hours. Following surgery, drainage tubes may be used overnight to drain excess fluid and blood that may collect under the skin. Patients will have bandages around their face for 24-48 hours after surgery to minimise swelling and bruising. 

Following the initial post-operative period, patients may be required to wear supportive garments as much as practical for up to six weeks. Sutures are removed at around day 10. Vigorous activity is discouraged for six weeks.

Patients may notice some tightness or numbness on the face or neck, depending on the exact surgery performed. Dr Sydney Ch’ng performs face lift and cosmetic procedures in Sydney, to help individuals achieve both cosmetic and reconstructive results. For more information on after care, results, and the procedure itself, get in touch with our friendly team today.


Face Lift For Loose Skin

A face lift is to rejuvenate and alleviate the inevitable signs of ageing, such as deepening of nasolabial folds, jowls, and platysmal bands. As we age, there is a natural gravitational effect on soft tissues, skin laxity, and bony resorption. These effects can contribute to classic signs of ageing in the temporal, jowl, and cheek areas.

In the case of ageing or loose skin, a face lift is specifically performed to achieve a more youthful and harmonious appearance. The procedure aims to lift the saggy soft tissue, and reduce the amount of excess skin present, resulting in tighter, more firm, and toned facial skin. The face shape often becomes less elongated and more heart-shaped.

Face Lift After Weight Loss

A face lift may be performed to help remove or redistribute soft tissue from the face, neck, and jowl area, improving overall facial contours. Weight loss can contribute to facial features becoming more gaunt, in combination with loose and excess skin. Face lift can help to restore a more harmonious facial contour by repositioning tissue.

Face Lift for Facial Reconstruction

Dr Sydney Ch’ng may also provide a face lift procedure to restore relative symmetry to the two sides of the face. It may be indicated following facial asymmetry from e.g., Bell’s palsy, cancer resection, previous surgery or trauma.


Deep Plane Face Lift

A deep plane face lift will involve lifting the skin, and superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) as one composite layer, promoting a lift towards the top of the ear. The technique aims to provide more dramatic and long-lasting results, while also ensuring that the tightening and smoothing of the skin is extremely natural. On the strength of her experience with facial nerve anatomy having performed hundreds of cases of parotid surgery, Dr Ch’ng is very confident with the deep plane face lift technique.

SMAS Face Lift or MACS

Lesser and more targeted face lift could be SMAS or MACS face lift.

The superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) refers to the muscular layers of your face; a SMAS face lift is carried out at a more superficial plane and poses less risk to injuring the facial nerve branches. A minimal access caudal suspicion (MACS) face lift is another lesser variation of face lift, considered to be minimally invasive. Dr Ch’ng offers these techniques too in select cases.

Get in touch

If you’d like to know more about our head and neck, plastic or skin cancer surgical services, or if you have a question for Dr Ch’ng, we’d love to hear from you.

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